Testicular tuberculous mimicking malignant tumor of testis: a diagnostic and surgical dilemma
Genito urinary TB (GUTB), Scrotal Swelling, Epididymo-OrchitisAbstract
Background: Clinically Orchitis may resemble malignancy. Our objective is to determine importance of multidisciplinary approach to diagnose testicular Tuberculosis (TB).
Material and Methods: A 27-year young male from Afghanistan presented with 2 weeks history of left scrotal swelling. FNAC, Zeil Nelson stain, MTB-PCR done for diagnosis as clinically it mimics malignancy.
Results: Cytopathological finding were chronic granulomatous changes with suppurative acute inflammation. ZN stain was positive for AFB. The diagnosis was confirmed by MTB-PCR and gene expert.
Conclusion: It indicates that multidisciplinary approach is important for diagnostic accuracy, optimal treatment and avoiding needless surgical intervention in case of testicular TB.
Copyright (c) 2023 Shamsul Hadi; Maria Tasneem Khattak, Iqbal M. Khan

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