Instruction to Contributors

International Journal of Pathology (IJP) stands for true and honest research with highest possible ethical and moral standards. Plagiarism, ghost and guest authorships are absolutely not tolerated. As pathology relates to all fields of medicine, we do accept the articles from “other” specialties as well as those on teaching and evaluation methodology if they have some bearing to Pathology. A typical article template is available for your convenience on Please down load and use it. Articles should be submitted through OJS as well as a copy may be directly submitted to the

  • Original Articles should not exceed 4000 words excluding abstract and references. It must contain a structured abstract not exceeding 300 words with headings of background, Methods, Results and Conclusion. In methods place and duration of study should be clearly mentioned. There should be no more than three tables or illustrations. Three to 10 keywords should be given for an original article as per MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). A maximum of 40 references may cited in an original article.
  • Case Reports should not exceed 1500 words with a maximum of 3 key words and structured abstract of about 100 - 150 words (case specific) with maximum of 5 - 6 references.
  • Letter to the editor & Short Communications which do not qualify for original article or case report may be published and should not exceed 1000 words
  • Review Articles are not accepted unless specifically invited by the chief editor from a renowned expert with vast experience in the field. It must bring the recent development with the reference of original literature and incorporate author's original work on the same subject.
  • IJP follows the authorship criteria conforming to the ICMJE definition of authorship ( All the four conditions required to be an author must be fulfilled
  • Authors’ contributions are given at the end of the references in the table form. (please see the published articles in IJP). Authors are required to fill out the undertaking form and sign.
  • Approval of ethical committee is required when there is human & animal intervention
  • Results should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables, and illustrations. Unnecessary tables must be avoided where results can be presented in a few words in the text
  • Discussion section should include author's comment on the results, supported with contemporary references, including arguments and analysis of identical work done by other workers. Study limitations should also be mentioned. A summary is not required.
  • Conclusion should be provided under separate heading and highlight new aspects arising from the study. It should be in accordance with the objectives
  • References must be listed in the Vancouver Style. All references should be numbered sequentially as superscripted in the text just after period and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section.
  • Tables and Illustrations should be embedded in the text where they are referred. Table titles should be on the top of the table .Legends to illustrations should be typed below the figure. Tables should be simple and should supplement rather than duplicate information in the text; tables repeating information will be omitted. If abbreviations are used in the table or figure, these should be explained in footnotes in alphabetical order. Specifications of tables and figures are provided in the template article available on the website.
  • The authors should notify major conflicts of interest and source of funding if any in the text.
  • Abbreviations (other than standard units) should be explained at their first appearance in abstract and main manuscript, separately.