Distribution of  type 2 diabetes mellitus in chronic hepatitis-c patient; A cross-sectional study conducted in Khyber Teaching Hospital and Khushal Medical Center Peshawar


  • Dr. Bughdad Khan Khyber Medical College
  • Dr. Waqar Ahmad Khyber Teaching Hospital
  • Dr. Fahad Naim Khyber Medical College
  • Dr. Nizamuddin Khyber Medical College
  • Dr. Husnain Qadir Khyber Medical College
  • Dr. Samiullah Khushal Medical Center




Hepatitis C virus, Diabetes Mellitus, Body mass index, World health Organization


Background: The prevalence of Hepatitis C virus infections (HCV) and Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is escalating and is associated with more morbidity and mortality. Patient with HCV are more prone to develop DM and this study aims to determine the distribution of DM in HCV patients. Methods: This descriptive cross sectional enrolled 160 HCV patients from 27th October 2020 till 26th April 2021 at Medicine Unit, Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH) Peshawar and Khushal Medical Center (KMC) Peshawar. After ethical approval from KMC, the enrolled HCV patients were screened for DM. After detailed interview, blood samples were collected and subsequently processed for glycated hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C). The data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0. Results: The mean age of the patients was 61.1±12.1 years. Similarly, the mean height, weight and body mass index (BMI) was 71.6±11.4 kg, 166.2±9.7 cm and 26.1±4.7 kg/m2 respectively. Family history of DM was positive in 30.6% patients while family history of obesity was positive in 23.8% individuals. The DM was prevalent in 31.3% HCV patients in which 58% were newly diagnosed. Statistical significant association was observed in HCV obese patient than non-obese patients with DM (p-value 0.03). Furthermore, obese patients were 12.4 times more likely to develop DM as compared to non-obese patients (OR, 95%CI 12.4 (5.52-28.5). Conclusion: DM is more common in HCV patients particularly if the patient is obese. It is necessary to screen and control earlier for the presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and also rule out HCV infection among diabetic populations which is rarely done on population-based studies.

Author Biographies

  • Dr. Bughdad Khan, Khyber Medical College

    Associate Professor of Medicine, Khyber Medical College Peshawar

  • Dr. Waqar Ahmad, Khyber Teaching Hospital

    Post Graduate Trainee, Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar                                            

  • Dr. Fahad Naim, Khyber Medical College

    Assistant Professor of Medicine, Khyber Medical College Peshawar

  • Dr. Nizamuddin, Khyber Medical College

    Assistant Professor Pharmacology Khyber medical college Peshawar

  • Dr. Samiullah, Khushal Medical Center

    Medical Officer, Khushal Medical Center, Dabgari Garden Peshawar


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Original article

How to Cite

Khan B, Ahmad W, Naim F, Uddin N, Qadir H, Ullah S. Distribution of  type 2 diabetes mellitus in chronic hepatitis-c patient; A cross-sectional study conducted in Khyber Teaching Hospital and Khushal Medical Center Peshawar. Int J Pathol [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];22(2):76-84. Available from: https://jpathology.com/index.php/OJS/article/view/901